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Merentas Desa,
I thought I could do good in the run but
while I was running,
I felt my joints, muscles and my bones aching
I am feeling OLD

This year overall turn out was good
but we can see there are less students this year
compared to previous years
For yellow house and red house there were only
Less than 10 students for L1
I guess there was only less than 100 students for the L1 category

Anyhoot we had to the chicken dance
yes! the Chicken dance to a CHICKEN song
how the hell the song existed?
But a very sporting person as I am
I just followed along although I felt like I was a chicken
Then we did stretches which i bet onlu 65% only followed
when everything was done it was TIME

Time to RUN!
okay enough of that, they allowed p3 to go first
followed by p2,p1,l3,l2 and FINALLY my category

Everyone were sprinting when we were released
after the first 50 meter of sprinting they just had no more energy to run
anyhoot yeah I kept on running and running
The heat was unbearable till I had to take off my top a few times
I stopped a couple of times cause I couldnt take it
but I pushed myself
Wei Liam was tailgating me,
I walk when I see there is a gap between us
and whenver he is close or passes me,
I would jog and pass him again
This went on for a few times
then when we were like 400 meters away from the finish line thats when we all started to push ourself
Wei Liam was smart enough to sprint for about 100 m or so
and he passed me, I was just giggling
I knew he couldnt go on for another 300m
when he slowed down,I started to hit the gear
Bammm I overtook him and started to jog faster and faster to the finish line
To my suprise I was expecting myself to race with someone at the finish line
I was alone at that point of time
Overall I've got number 16
WOOOT the highest position among the ketua's

But the sad thing is
at the end of the day
My house, Y-E-L-L-O-W
was first
green house is 2 points ahead of us
and first place blue (fuck you's)
is 100 points ahead of us

at the end of the day at least I had fun

till then cheers